Renée Taylor
Based in San Francisco
Before Contacting Me
I can accommodate for same day appointments for an extra $100. I prefer gentlemen who book in advance though. Make sure you read my Terms & Conditions. If it takes more than 2 hours to travel to you by bus, plane, train etc. I prefer a 24-hour notice.
The Day Of The Date
I will re-confirm our date and provide you with an address along with instructions on elevators or doors if needed.
If I'm coming to you, I will confirm your address and text you when I'm 30-15 minutes away. If need be, I will send a picture of my outfit so you're not looking around confused.
When We Meet Face to Face
Lets get formalities out of the way first! If were meeting at my incall, please put the donation in an unsealed envelope and place it in the bathroom. If were meeting in a public place lets be discreet by placing my rate into a book, greeting card, gift bag, wallet or any other discreet way that you think is creative.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why haven't you replied to my email?
Emails asking inappropriate questions or not reading my site properly will be ignored. For example: attempting to negotiate my rates, not sending a deposit or asking for a menu, will not be responded to.
You only have one chance to make a first impression, so make it count!
Where In LA or NY is your in-call located?
I do not have a permanent in-call location, so I am always open to suggestions when booking and happy to accommodate. I strive to book in an upscale 4–5-star hotel/Airbnb. By the LAX airport and/or West Hollywood (for longer dates) are my go-to locations.
As for NY I mostly host in Downtown Brooklyn, but I am open to the 4 other boroughs of the city.
What will you be wearing when we meet?
Spring is approaching but the winter weather is still here. I mostly show up in a sweater with jeans and boots. But my outfit can change according to the date we have planned or the weather. I am always open to hearing what you would like to see me in and am just as comfortable in casual wear as I am dressed up.
Do you offer other arrangements?
I offer a few alternatives for the busy gentlemen who doesn't have the time to see me just yet. We can text or call, have a sexy facetime date or I can send you some naughty pictures for your eyes only.
Check my Tryst Profile for rates!